Vote In Our Budget Poll

In the comment section tell us why you voted as you did. Please note, the polldaddy system is set up to rotate the answer positions on the poll so no particular answer always has the top spot. Controls are enabled to allow only one vote per IP address.

After voting here, scroll down and vote in the Freedom of Information Act poll question.

Text From Official Response From Peggy Roell, Chair of BOE (Copied From Budget Thread)

This is Peggy Roell, chair of the BOE. I will attempt to address a couple of the comments made earlier in this thread.

To clarify, the purpose of slides 18 and 19 in the BOE presentation on Monday night (the entire presentation, along with my notes can be seen at was to show how Avon COMPARES to similar towns on a per pupil cost basis (and on CMT and SAT results). All of this data is extracted from the strategic school profiles on the State Department of Education website

The latest COMPARATIVE per student financial data that is available is from 2006-07, which is what is included on slides 18 and 19. (In prior years when the BOE has gotten information directly from other school districts, the comparability of the data was called into question by some residents…hence for comparative purposes we now only use the data districts have reported to the State—on a standardized form to ensure comparability). All of the other information in the presentation represents Avon’s budgeted 2008-09 and 2009-10 numbers.

The purpose of slide 19 is to show that in 2002-03 Avon spent almost the most per student, and in 2006-07 Avon spent the least per student, as compared to surrounding towns (based on per student information reported to the State Department of Education by each district).

The budget increases included in articles in the Courant are on an overall basis, not on a per student basis. In the same state reports you will see that for the 5 years ended 10/1/07 Avon’s enrollment increased 15.2%, while Farmington’s decreased 1.0% and Simsbury’s decreased 1.7%.

To address another comment, from the information on slide 18, if you divide enrollment by total administrators, you will see Avon has the highest number of students per administrator, and that is before we reduce one administrator next year…we have a lower number of administrators (based on our enrollment) than the comparative towns.

To address the comment regarding paying for violin lessons. Most of the elementary/high schools we attended likely had a band program. I know that my Mom, who graduated from high school in 1952, learned to play the clarinet in elementary school and played in her city of Chicago high school marching band. Students had group lessons starting in elementary school. I honestly don’t know how long Avon has had a band program (no marching band) but I’ve heard folks speak about the program being great as far back as at least the mid 1970’s. Throughout the years, the band program in Avon has included group lessons.

About six years ago, as our enrollment increased and the sizes of the bands were getting very large, we expanded the music program to give students a choice of band or orchestra. Similar to the band program, students in the orchestra receive group lessons also. In both programs, parents either rent or buy instruments for their children.

As far as average teacher salaries, Avon is among the highest in the state. As shown on the Strategic School Profiles (see link above), this is because 92.6% of our teachers have masters degrees or higher, compared to the state average of 75.6% of teachers. Over the years, Avon has successfully attracted, hired and retained the most skilled and talented teachers possible.

As a reminder, the current teacher contract was settled in binding arbitration because the BOE and the Avon Education Association were too far apart on some contract issues to reach an agreement during the negotiation and mediation sessions. Based on criteria set forth in the state statues, the arbitrators determined the general wage increases the teachers are receiving in each of the three years of the current contract (2.2% in 2008-09; 3.1% in 2009-10 and 2.4% in 2010-11).

From Your Blogmaster

Our hope in starting this blog was to promote a non-partisan and civil debate within the town of Avon regarding the pending budget. In the beginning the blog posts were very polite. The tenor and tone of some comments on the blog is now becoming too personal.

Effective immediately, anonymous posts will no longer be allowed. You must sign in to post on this blog. Hopefully this will solve the problem of disrespectful and personal posts.

Please remember, these are your neighbors. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Keep the debate polite. We can disagree without the nastiness.

The Beauty of Democracy… Was This A Set Up?

There is a prior thread with Sharon (Sam) Levine requesting emails under the Freedom of Information Act. Guess what surfaced from this request? An email from Sam Levine and Ms. Merlin rallying their troops.

Here are the questions on this. Does this constitute fair play or stacking the deck? Was their plan to flood the town officials email accounts and then try to prove a point by immediately requesting the emails under FOI?



Subject: Fw: Tomorrow Night’s crucial Bd of Finance Meeting

Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 18:06:50 -0400

If you can only make one meeting next week, please come tomorrow night. But if you can come on Thursday (see below) that would be a great way to figure out how we can really make a difference this year and maybe help get a referendum passed in this town first time around.

In addition, don’t forget to e-mail the BOF anytime betw/now and Tuesday when they make their final decision on what the BOE’s budget will be that goes to referendum. (If you recall, after tomorrow night’s big town meeting and after hearing from the community at the meeting and in e-mails, the BOF meets to discuss what to do, and usually cuts back on both the Town and the BOE budgets. The realistic goal is not to ask them for more than the BOE asked for, but to ask them to cut back as little as possible at this point. That meeting is Tuesday, March 31, 7:00 pm BOF Workshop in the Avon Room at Town Hall – BOF – as I said, they will discuss what number they think the town voters will “tolerate” and set the number they will send to referendum first time around. If they can’t come to a final decision that night, they will have one more meeting either on Wed. or Thurs. if necessary.) Here are the e-mails addresses – feel free to cut and paste – ask them to distribute your letter to the appropriate boards. I have always thought e-mails can make a difference, especially from new voices.

Town Manager:

Board of Finance Chairperson:

Board of Ed Chairperson:

Town Council Chairperson:

—– Original Message —–

From: Sam Levine

To: Sam Levine

Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 3:21 PM

Subject: Fwd: Tomorrow Night’s crucial Bd of Finance Meeting

Dear Concerned Parents,

Please bear with me if I am sending out repeats I am working out my contact glitches- NB I have modified this letter read to end.

I like the rest of you am extremely concerned by the upcoming school cuts. In previous years when things were difficult the get the vote movement helped in mitigating the damages. This year the damage has already been done and we have not even received the proposed budget from the town.

FYI we live in a town of approximately 15,000 residents we have a historical presidential election turnout rate of over 95%. On average 1,800 no voters have determined the fate of our community. All we need to come up with is 2000 people to vote yes and we can restore our schools, services and provide for those who live in this town, who are really in need.

First on the Agenda: getting enough parents (Moms and Dads) toSupport our schools on Monday March 30th 7:30 at the Sr. Center

Here is a Link for you to find out all that is about to be slashed:

Please spend tomorrow calling and emailing those individuals that you can rally and convince to attend, this is not a fun job but we desperately need bodies tomorrow, This is a CRUCIAL step in the process we need people to show up en masse!!!!!!

Second: we need to get people involved and educated more so than the 50 or so regular campaigners that gets involved out every year.

This means you (and those who you can wrestle to the ground so that they appreciate the direness of the situation) MUST participate by:

1) Making difficult phone calls

2) Handing out literature at schools and campaign hard to get parents out there aware and willing to vote.

3) Scaring people with the truth about the cuts that are about to fall. (See link above)

4) Dedicate yourselves to helping your children’s future on a local level with the same energy and dedication that you utilize in your own home

5) Presenting this group with the email addresses of at least 5 friends or family members within the community to help support our children this effort- it should not be a tough sell.

FYI I have set up this separate email account and will not use yours or any other email addresses for any purpose other than to support our schools in the upcoming and future referendums.

Good news:

1) If all the parents who support the schools actually vote, our schools can be repaired in the future

2) Dads as a rule do not vote as readily as the Moms in referendums, Moms have something that Dad’s want

OUR FIRST MEETING DATE: THURSDAY APRIL 2nd 7:30 pm AHS Public Conference room off the library DO NOT ASSUME THAT EVERYONE ELSE CAN MAKE THIS MEETING– EVERYONES PRESENCE IS ESSENTIAL TO ITS SUCCESS!!!! Sorry for being pushy but we have been bitten by the no show before and we all have pressing agendas.


Sam Levine

Is This Productive Use Of Our Tax Dollars & School Website?

Is this an appropriate use of town resources? What do you think? This is the email blast sent out by Dr. Kisiel’s administrative assistant to all parents and teachers siged up on the school systems email system.

From: []

Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:50 PM

To: webmaster@


: BOF Decision

The Board of Finance voted this evening five to two in favor of a reduction in the Board of Education’s proposed operating by $365,394 resulting in a 2.15% increase in the Board’s operating budget. The BOF reduced the Town Council’s budget by $243,596 resultig in a 1.36% increase in their operating budget. Except for Mr. Gugliotti and Mr. Eisenlohr, all the other Board members did not believe that the proposed budgets by both boards and the resulting tax increase would be acceptable to the voters.

Catherine Durden and Margaret Bratton voted against the motion because they sought no increase in spending for nect year.

What Is Sharon Levine’s Motivation?

Town resident SHARON (SAM) LEVINE has requested ALL emails sent to town officials, elected or not regarding the budget from Avon residents. While she may be entitled to emails that were not intended for her eyes under the Freedom of Information Act, what is her true motivation?

How do you feel about this? What do you think her motivation is? Does it bother you to know you cannot contact your town or elected officials without fear of someone with a different agenda demanding to read your private communications?

How do you think she will use this information? Do you know Sharon (Sam) Levine? Which side of the budget issue is she on? Is she the type of person to use this information to intimidate other residents with a different opinion? Is this politically motivated?

They Voted Their Conscience…

Catherine Durdan and Margaret Bratton voted against the Board of Finance motion because they sought no increase in spending at all in the Fiscal Year 2009 – 2010 budget. Their remarks at the hearing recognized the tough economic times residents of Avon are facing due to internal and external economic factors. Recognizing that people are losing their jobs, taking pay cuts, 401K’s have tanked, etc., Mrs. Durdan and Mrs. Bratton stated they could not vote for a spending tax increase. The burden it would put on the taxpayers was too much in a tough year for many. ADDED 2:55 PM: Mrs. Durdan and Mrs. Bratton received boo’s and hisses for their position opposing any spending increase. Thank you to the blogger who pointed out that was missing from the post. It is this blog’s intent to be non-partisan.

Tom Gugliotti and Brett Eisenlohr, to the cheers and applause from the parents and teachers in the room wanted to approve the proposed spending increase in the budget as submitted. They had the most popular position in the room. Most of the residents who attended the budget workshop were in favor of the spending tax increases and fewer cuts in the school system.

In the final vote of the evening, Mr. Guliotti and Mr. Eisenlohr agreed to compromise their position in favor of the full increase and voted along with the other three members on a compromised version which included the lower spending tax increase.

It took courage to take the less popular position, especially in an election year.

Stay tuned for the public meeting on May 4th at the Senior Center. In the meantime, continue to blog.