They Voted Their Conscience…

Catherine Durdan and Margaret Bratton voted against the Board of Finance motion because they sought no increase in spending at all in the Fiscal Year 2009 – 2010 budget. Their remarks at the hearing recognized the tough economic times residents of Avon are facing due to internal and external economic factors. Recognizing that people are losing their jobs, taking pay cuts, 401K’s have tanked, etc., Mrs. Durdan and Mrs. Bratton stated they could not vote for a spending tax increase. The burden it would put on the taxpayers was too much in a tough year for many. ADDED 2:55 PM: Mrs. Durdan and Mrs. Bratton received boo’s and hisses for their position opposing any spending increase. Thank you to the blogger who pointed out that was missing from the post. It is this blog’s intent to be non-partisan.

Tom Gugliotti and Brett Eisenlohr, to the cheers and applause from the parents and teachers in the room wanted to approve the proposed spending increase in the budget as submitted. They had the most popular position in the room. Most of the residents who attended the budget workshop were in favor of the spending tax increases and fewer cuts in the school system.

In the final vote of the evening, Mr. Guliotti and Mr. Eisenlohr agreed to compromise their position in favor of the full increase and voted along with the other three members on a compromised version which included the lower spending tax increase.

It took courage to take the less popular position, especially in an election year.

Stay tuned for the public meeting on May 4th at the Senior Center. In the meantime, continue to blog.